Administrative leaders at all Wisconsin universities must maintain neutral viewpoints in political debates and limit their public statements to matters that only affect school operations, according to a new policy released Friday.
The new policy said institutional statements "issued by university leaders should be limited to matters that directly affect the operations and core mission of the university and should maintain viewpoint neutrality in any reference to any matter of political or social controversy."
"The policy is not intended to apply to faculty and staff expressing personal statements on non-university-owned channels," Jay Rothman, president of the Universities of Wisconsin, posted Friday on X. "We uphold the right to free expression where students, faculty, and staff are welcome to hold and discuss competing viewpoints without fear of opposing an 'official' university position."
The new policy reportedly is in response to a deal University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone struck in May to end anti-Israel campus protests. The university agreed to call for a cease-fire in Israel's war against Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip and to discuss cutting ties with Israeli companies. The deal was criticized by Jewish groups.
In a May 14 post on X, Rothman criticized Mone's decision, writing that "maintaining viewpoint-neutrality on challenging public issues is critically important, especially in situations where students and other university stakeholders on multiple sides of an issue are in vehement disagreement. … I am disappointed by the course taken by UW-Milwaukee, and I am continuing to assess the decision-making process that led to this result."
The policy applies to Rothman, system vice presidents, university chancellors, provosts, vice chancellors, deans, directors, department chairs, and others who are speaking on behalf of a system institution.
"The president and chancellors may adopt additional institution-specific guidance and procedures that are consistent with this policy," the policy stated, adding such additions can include limitations on personnel authorized to issue an institutional statement and procedures for internal approval of a statement.
Jennifer Mnookin, the chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, wrote in a statement to students and staff that when school leaders pick a side, no matter how well intended, they can crowd out other points of view.
"I understand that not everyone will agree with this new approach; that, too, is part of what it means to have open discussion and debate," Mnookin wrote. "My own view is that this policy of restraint will strengthen our university and make space for more dialogue and debate, including across our differences. By respecting the university as a site of pluralism and diverse perspectives, I believe we can further strengthen our vibrant and flourishing intellectual community."