Bernie Kerik, who was the New York City Police commissioner when the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred, told Newsmax on Monday the younger generation of Americans who were not alive on that fateful day are not being properly taught about what happened.
Kerik told "The Chris Salcedo Show" and guest host Todd Starnes it doesn't help that President Joe Biden was not in New York, Washington, D.C., or Pennsylvania to commemorate the occasion. Biden, the first sitting president not to attend an official ceremony marking the 9/11 anniversary at a site of the attacks, instead was at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage, Alaska.
"They have no idea, especially the younger generation because nobody's teaching them," Kerik said. "This stuff isn't being taught in history class. It's denounced by some; they have conspiracy theorists as teachers telling students things that aren't true.
"It's completely disgusting."
Kerik attended a ceremony in New York attended by Vice President Kamala Harris and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
"The fact that the president was off in wherever he was, Alaska or wherever, that was upsetting for me," he said.
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