Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas, told Newsmax Saturday that Hunter Biden, whose plea deal fell apart in court earlier this week, has been "handled with kid gloves for decades" and that the judge on his case made the right call in rejecting the agreement.
"There's obviously no precedent for this," Van Duyne said during an appearance on Newsmax's "The Count." "I think the judge, for the first time since they've been dealing with the Bidens, we finally have somebody within our law enforcement department that's handling it correctly. It's never been like this before. It's a two-tier justice system. You have got a son of the current president, who has been handled with kid gloves for decades.
"The more that we [the House Ways and Means Committee] investigate, the more we uncover. And we've actually heard directly from whistleblowers," she continued. "We've seen information that the IRS has been able to uncover, and we've seen information that they did not even try to uncover. We have seen layer upon layer of the bureaucrats that are in our federal law enforcement that have sat on evidence, that have not pursued evidence, that have given tips to folks in the administration before they were going to be able to get evidence. This has never happened before."
The Texas Republican said more investigation needs to occur because all of the "bank records," "phone calls," and "messages" that have been uncovered "point directly to a president who has been under the control of foreign nations and getting paid off for decades while he has been a federal employee."
When asked how far the committee was willing to go to get answers, Van Duyne said, "We need to take it as far as it needs to go because it has been going on for decades.
"We have seen people, who we're paying taxpayer dollars to do a job, not doing their job and protecting folks just because their last name is Biden," she said. "We're looking at potentially $50 million. You've got 20 shell companies that have come up, 10 members of the Biden family that have gotten paid. Where have those dollars come from? We heard from Hunter in court that they have come from places like Ukraine; they come from places like China. China has a great reputation for paying off not just politicians, but also government officials to be able to get their work done. If you think about all the policies that have been put through this administration, from day one, who were they benefiting? China.
"Everybody keeps saying, 'We know Joe is not in the best cognitive spirits,' so who's actually president?" the congresswoman asked. "Who's actually running the government? When you think about the energy policies that are benefiting China, when you think about the attacks on American businesses, who are they are benefiting? China. When you think about the whole energy and Green New Deal, where we are buying products out of China [and] you think about the border, the border issues and where that fentanyl is coming from, it's China. How has this been allowed to go on for so many years unchecked? We're going to have to get to the bottom of it, because it is destroying our nation."
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