The Democrats are engaged in all-out war to overthrow the presidency of Donald Trump, David Horowitz, The New York Times bestselling author of "Big Agenda: President Trump's Plan to Save America," told Newsmax TV.
"We're in the midst of a crypto-civil war," Horowitz told host Miranda Khan on Thursday's "America Talks Live."
"The Democrats are determined not to oppose Republican legislation, but to overthrow the Trump government," he said. "People have to understand that. They march in lock-step.
"It's very hard to break off a Democrat, where it's very easy with Republicans because they're individualists, and they all march to different drummers."
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Horowitz said Trump summed the issue during his address to a joint session of Congress last week when he said, "I've inherited a big mess."
"This is true in foreign policy, where we have two enemy powers, Iran and North Korea, one on the verge of nuclear weapons, the other on the verge of developing the capacity to hit the West Coast of the United States," Horowitz told Khan.
"We have ISIS out of control in the Middle East. We have Obamacare, the Republicans can't really walk away from it because it's in a death spiral as [House] Speaker [Paul] Ryan pointed out today. Our military has been run down.
"Trump has jump-started the economy, which is a really good thing. But they need to get the legislation through, some kind of legislation in order not to be derailed from their agendas entirely."
Find out Obama's next attack on Trump – More Info in "Big Agenda" – See More Here
Horowitz said he does not trust a poll that claims 51 percent of Americans believe Trump should not repeal the Affordable Care Act.
"The polls said that Hillary was going to win the election," Horowitz said. "It's all in how you frame the question. I think there's a consensus that people with pre-existing conditions, for example, should be taken care of.
"The real issue is whether the government should be able to ram a plan down everybody's throats – a one-size-fits-all plan – and whether healthcare is a right. America is built on the notion that rights are individual rights."