Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a "grown-up speech" to Congress on Tuesday — in dramatic contrast to the cartoonish way President Barack Obama speaks on issues, says Bill Kristol, founder and editor of The Weekly Standard.
"It was really moving I would say … Netanyahu spoke as both the prime minister of Israel and on behalf of the Jewish people, but obviously as really the leader of the West," Kristol said Wednesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
"He tried to tell Americans that they have to step up and be serious about the world, which unfortunately, our president doesn't seem to want to do.
"I was proud of Netanyahu and it was both a moving and an amazing experience.... He gave a grownup speech."
He said Netanyahu's no-nonsense talk about the dangers of a nuclear deal with Iran was in stark contrast how Obama "argues about anything or doesn't argue about anything,"
"It's just cartoons with Obama. One or two-sentence sound bites and that's it," Kristol said.
"The reaction of some of the Democrats and President Obama himself … [and House Minority Leader] Nancy Pelosi — they don't want to have a debate. They don't want to have any kind of substantive of any about actual policy."
Kristol rejected the notion promoted by some that Netanyahu's presentation was a pitch to get the U.S. to go to war with Iran.
"Netanyahu went out of his way to stress the Jewish people now have a state, they can defend themselves and are proud to defend themselves," he said.
"This isn't just a matter of Israel defending itself, it's a matter of the U.S. and a bunch of other countries in negotiation with Iran that it's going to strengthen Iran. It's obviously a great interest for Israel, but it should be a great interest to us.
"Netanyahu gave a sophisticated speech and it's really going to help in a domestic debate here. Those people who are a little bit on the fence and a little worried about taking on Obama and some of the left wing media, I think you know what, this is a pretty good argument for debate here."