Democrats are engaging in censorship and enveloped in a "woke" culture that's "about canceling people rather than engaging them in discourse and having no boundaries on the things we're allowed to talk about," said Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
"I feel like I'm a traditional Democrat," Kennedy said Friday during an appearance on Newsmax's "American Agenda."
"The Democratic Party that I believe in is the same Democratic Party that my uncle, my father, that FDR [Franklin Delano Roosevelt] believed in, which is you fight for the little guy, the middle class, a lot of the cops and firefighters who were the key core constituencies of the party who have been abandoned. And, you know, in urban neighborhoods people are feeling like immigrants at the border are being put in a more advantageous position, while the urban neighborhoods are languishing," he added.
"But also, just on core issues like censorship — the word 'liberal' means freedom, and it came from freedom of speech. It's about freedom of discourse and debate, the free flow of information. And now, the Democratic Party is not only censoring people from the White House, censoring political dissent from the White House; but it's enveloped in this entire woke culture, which is about canceling people rather than engaging them in discourse and having no boundaries on the kind of things that we're allowed to talk about.
"Let's talk about everything," Kennedy added.
"My father believed that. My uncle believed that. They believed that our policies should be able to prevail in a marketplace full of ideas. They were against all of these restrictions in the [Sen. Joe] McCarthy era of punishing people who had different thoughts, different ideas. And they said, 'No, those are welcome.'"
Kennedy said he's having a lot of fun campaigning, telling Newsmax it's "easier than what I was doing, which was litigation and writing books, which is exhausting.
"I'm finding this a lot easier, a lot more rewarding and fun."
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