Democrats are digging their own graves if they continue spouting offensive rhetoric and trashing President Donald Trump, Hugh Hewitt, nationally syndicated radio host and best-selling author, told Newsmax TV.
"If they want to stay in the extreme little corner that they've carved for themselves — and they may get a false positive out of the Washington march and the women's marches this past weekend — let them stay there," Hewitt said on Tuesday's "The Steve Malzberg Show."
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He said liberal comedian Chelsea Handler's cracks to Variety she would not interview first lady Melania Trump on her Netflix show because "she can barely speak English,'' shows the wide disrespect the left has toward the commander-in-chief and his wife.
"Disrespect to the first lady, it's rampant on the left," Hewitt said. "They have a field day on Twitter. Again, it builds them a wall around their little corner.
"They reinforce each other's beliefs about what the rest of the country believes. Ninety percent of Americans would find that offensive, 90 percent.
"If it becomes the point of view that dominates the Democratic Party, they will have dug themselves a grave, a real grave."
Hewitt added Trump has taken more action in his first day on the job than former President Barack Obama did in a year.
"You bring in the union guys, my guys, my guys from Ohio, they are tradesmen, they are carpenters, they are plumbers and steel workers — he brings them all in and they had a great conversation . . . they had a great meeting. . . . Then he comes out and he [okays] the pipelines," Hewitt told Malzberg.
"And so Trump is doing things. When you do things as opposed to talk about things, America notices . . . [Former British Prime Minister Winston] Churchill said it's better to jaw-jaw than war-war.
"I don't want a trade war. I'm anti-terror. I do not believe in the border adjustment tax. I don't like any of that. But if you can jaw-jaw the UAW, and GM, and Chrysler, and Ford into building their cars here . . . God bless him, he's going to win, and win, and win. What's his famous line? You're going to win so much, you're going to be sick of winning? I'm never going to be tired of winning."
The radio host also believes all of Trump's cabinet will be confirmed despite Democratic lawmakers' objections to some.
"[Sen. Jeff] Sessions could not be stopped anyway," he said. "He's probably the most qualified nominee for attorney general. I worked for two of them – Bill Smith and Ed Meese. They are both wonderful men, but Jeff Sessions is going in as more experienced than any attorney general nominee in the modern era.
"He was an assistant U.S. attorney and a U.S. state attorney general before serving four terms . . . So, everyone is going to get confirmed."
Hewitt is author of "The Fourth Way: The Conservative Playbook for a Lasting GOP Majority," published by Simon & Schuster.