Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson Lt. Col. Peter Lerner told Newsmax on Tuesday that Palestinian militant group Hamas has "absolutely no regard for human life" and that Israel has "proven it time and time again" in the past 16 years.
"They intentionally position their rockets, their explosive drones, their command and control positions in high-rise buildings, beneath mosques, launch sites next to U.N. facilities, and the command and control facilities beneath hospitals," Lerner said on Newsmax's "National Report."
"So, this is a ruthless, merciless organization that has no regard for human life, Israeli or Palestinian. They'll butcher babies in their bedrooms and then they'll hide behind their own babies in order to continue their atrocities."
Lerner was responding to the International Criminal Court's recent statements that put the burden on Israel to prove that Hamas uses human shields.
Lerner also said that the rescue of IDF Pvt. Ori Megidish was "good news for Israel," even as the work to bring home all of the hostages being held by Hamas continues.
"Yesterday we brought home Ori Megidish and we announced it to the public yesterday after a ground operation to bring her release and rescue," Lerner said. "I can't go into specific details because, obviously, we want to maintain operational superiority in order to bring the others home.
"There are 240 other hostages of all ages and even foreign nationals as well. We need to work to bring them home. We're operating on the ground, expanding our operational capabilities but also utilizing intelligence.
"Yesterday's release of Pvt. Megidish was good news for Israel. It brought a little bit of hope to the families but, indeed, we know that Hamas is doing everything to try and manipulate that situation. Just yesterday, they also launched a broadcast on social media — a video of three other women hostages they're holding and they're trying to manipulate with psychological terrorism. Gratefully, nobody has broadcasted it on mainstream media, which is a good sign. It means the world is shifting in the right place."