As Hurricane Ian comes ashore in Florida, Rep. Kat Cammack said on Newsmax, Wednesday that the main concern for congressional district in the Gainesville area is the heavy rains that are expected to accompany the storm.
"Now that we're on the verge of the Cat-5, this needs to be taken very seriously," said the Florida Republican, who represents the 3rd Congressional District.
"The entire state will see effects of this, including up into my neck of the woods, both on the coastal side, where Cedar Key will see a spring tide, with the storm surge coming in looking at 3 to 5 feet, but also on the east side of the state in Jacksonville, where you have the St. Johns River, which is one of two rivers in the world that flows north."
It's time now for people who haven't evacuated to "hunker down" and be smart, "and keep our first responders in your prayers," said Cammack, whose husband is a fireman and a SWAT medic with the Gainesville Fire Department.
Cammack praised Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for having linemen and other help lined up to move in when the storm ends, but warned that the ground is already saturated in Florida, and the increased amount of rain from the hurricane will increase the risk of flash flooding.
"In the areas that have been saturated by rain, that's going to be a tremendous risk for folks," Cammack said. "They need to be aware just because you're in Ocala or Gainesville or Orange, Parker, and other parts of the northern central area, that doesn't mean that you are going to be immune from a hit in South Florida.
"The rain and the flooding are going to be a risk, so make sure you have a plan. Make sure that you have enough resources, food, water, batteries, and that you made a plan for your business and your pets that you can stick to."
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