Ukrainian Parliament member Kira Rudik insisted Friday on Newsmax that her country is "standing and we are fighting, and we are going to win" against Russia, but said that will only happen if her country's allies provide enough weapons for the battles heading into the second year of the war.
"This is my main message," Rudik said on Newsmax's "Wake Up America." "We have proved over the last year that we are capable of fighting. We are capable of getting back our territories, and we are capable of winning."
But the issue now is that Ukraine still does not have enough weapons to "contradict Russia everywhere in the air and on the ground, and this is what we need critically," said Rudik.
"We are ready to end this war ASAP," she said. "We are thankful for everything we have received but we need more to end it as soon as possible."
However, she pointed out that Russian President Vladimir Putin is "playing for a war of attrition. We need to play for the faster win, and this is what we are going to do. We're united, mobilized, and we are ready to fight."
But when asked if the war could end in the upcoming year, Rudik said that will depend if Ukraine's troops get enough weapons, as Putin "will not stop unless he is stopped."
"We are ready to stop him, so he will, at some point, be exhausted and will be unable to complete his mission of rebuilding the Russian empire," she said. "This is the only way that we see right now. Putin has already felt so much impunity going on for him that he will not reconsider. He will not go back. And this is why our only way is to fight him to win the war and then have the discussions about the peace settlement."
Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping is reportedly planning a trip to Russia to discuss multiparty peace talks, and Rudik said Putin does not have many other allies.
"China has been opening their markets for Russia and has been secretly supporting them," she said. "We all know that."
However, China's call Friday for a cease-fire and peace talks is "useless," said Rudik, as Putin will not stop his aggressions.
"Our goal right now is to show China, to show Russia, and just show all their allies that the Western unity is not gonna dim, that we are not going to step down from defending our values, that we will be fighting for freedom for democracy, and there is no way of turning the things around."
Rudik also said Friday that nobody thought the war would have continued for a full year after Russia's invasion.
"But being here alive and well, I'm so grateful to everybody who allowed us to stay, to our army and our allies," said Rudik. "We know right now that tomorrow is not given, and we know that another year is not given, but we know that we will definitely be fighting to get it."
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