Maison Des Champs, a 22-year-old college student who has become known as the "Pro-life Spiderman" after scaling several tall buildings to bring attention and raise money for the pro-life message, told Newsmax on Tuesday that he is a "little upset" that he's facing legal consequences for some of his daring exploits when people who are protesting at Supreme Court justices' homes aren't in any trouble.
"I do feel bad about taking up the police officers' time and resources, but I think the problem is that these police stations, we need to fund them," Des Champs said on Newsmax's "John Bachman Now." "The problem is that these officers need funding to go after the right things."
Des Champs was arrested for trespassing last week after scaling the Salesforce Tower in San Fransisco.
He told NPR in an interview that it was a coincidence that the Supreme Court's draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked the day before his San Francisco arrest, as that climb was planned a month in advance.
Des Champs has also scaled The New York Times building, among others, and on Monday, he climbed the Renaissance Center 400 Tower in Detroit. He does not use harnesses or other climbing equipment.
"I have been climbing buildings for a little bit of time and I have a lot of experience," he told Newsmax. "I've lived in Yosemite for about five years now, and so going between Yosemite, and Red Rock and Las Vegas, you get a lot of experience. For someone who doesn't climb yet, it's pretty dangerous. But for me with having the strength and the experience, it's not that bad."
DesChamps, a finance student at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, said he climbs such heights to raise money for the pro-life fight. He's found that many younger people like himself are intimidated by the thought of speaking out, and if they say one thing about the pro-life movement, they'll be criticized.
"I don't think we should be scared to speak out," he said. "This is something that is important. Plus I think we need to stand up and hopefully what comes out of this is I can raise the money to help the women and I can get the word out about doctors … I hope to inspire young people so that we can have not just me speaking out, but more people."
He said plans to keep his actions going until he meets his goals with fundraising and until there is "justice" against a Washington, D.C., doctor who has come under fire from the pro-life movement with the discovery he had performed late-term abortions.
"I just really hope that the D.C. police change their mind and investigate this guy," Des Champs told Newsmax.
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