Former deputy national security adviser in the Trump administration K.T. McFarland told Newsmax TV on Wednesday that the outbreak of the novel coronavirus has accelerated China’s plans to become the world’s dominant superpower to an immediate goal.
McFarland was responding to guest host Tom Basile on “The Chris Salcedo Show,” who suggested the United States needed to return to a Cold War footing with regard to Russia, China and Iran, calling them the “new Axis powers.”
“To me, China is the most powerful and problematic of all of them,” said McFarland, who also served in national security positions in the Nixon and Reagan administrations. “The Chinese had planned by mid-century to dominate the world, with their trade routes, with their military, with their diplomatic power.
“But with the pandemic, they just sort of moved up the timeframe. They think they can make their move now. They think they’re going to come out of this period as the dominant superpower.”
McFarland, author of the book “Revolution: Trump, Washington and 'We the People,'” referred to China’s new security law passed Tuesday imposed on Hong Kong which criminalizes four types of activity — secession, subversion of state power, terrorism and collusion with foreign entities.
Legal experts have said the new law makes Hong Kong virtually indistinguishable from mainland China. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said it violates the Sino-British Joint Declaration that governed the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997, and one prominent businessman claimed it made the city “dead.”
“So they’re making their move on Hong Kong,” McFarland said. “And they’ve said…they made a deal with the Brits years ago that it would be one China, two governments, two systems. Hong Kong would have independence.
“Well, they’ve reneged on the deal. They’re also moving through the South China Sea to try to claim that as an internal Chinese lake.”
McFarland suggested several policies that the United States needed to adopt to thwart the Chinese actions, chiefly making sure that the U.S. does not rely on China as a supplier of items essential to national security.
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