The Obama administration has been dragging its feet on intervening in the kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls by Islamic extremists, Newsmax White House correspondent John Gizzi says.
"This is a story that's been raging in print and electronic media for a week now,'' Gizzi told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
"Why is Secretary of State [John] Kerry just now having a conversation about this with the Nigerian leadership and … announcing to the world that we'll have FBI agent and troops there?''
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Gizzi's comments came as he participated in a panel discussion on the Nigerian crisis with C. Edmund Wright, a columnist for and American Thinker, who is not surprised by the delayed response to the actions by the Islamic group Boko Haram.
"Keep in mind this was an administration that took about a week to figure out what had gone on at Fort Hood back in 2009," Wright said.
"I remember General [George] Casey and Barack Obama walking around Fort Hood not passing judgment as fast as [they] could, acting like clueless parents at a no-score league little league game.
"[They] didn't know what the score was when everybody knew it was a jihadist attack. The fact that we're a little bit late to the game is not a surprise here."
Boko Haram's abduction of
more than 200 girls from a boarding school has gained world attention. The group is threatening to sell the innocents into slavery.
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