The Affordable Care Act will be history after the 2014 elections, which already show encouraging signs of a big Republican win, Rep. Pete Sessions says.
"I'm encouraged. We've got to win the Senate and we'll return the House," the Texas Republican told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
"What the Republican Party can offer ... We will repeal Obamacare," Sessions said Tuesday.
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Sessions and Rep. Daryl Issa, a California Republican and chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, are investigating the lack of background checks that has shaken the healthcare law's navigator system.
In Dallas, navigators were videotaped as they advised people signing up for healthcare to commit tax fraud.
Sessions says ACA officials are unable to give straight answers.
"They did not even produce anyone who would address the issue, other than to excuse it and say those employees had been disciplined," Sessions said.
"They did not specifically state what was right or wrong or good or bad," he said.
"The president should have to offer an advisory to consumers to have them not even attempt to use these navigators or Obamacare because it does not provide information that they could be held accountable for, and that's a fraud."
Sessions, chairman of the House Rules Committee, says the ACA is being forced on Americans because they have no other choice. Even then, some are unable to get straight answers about whether they can keep their doctors, he emphasized.
"People will have to move to this because their insurance is being outlawed. And for you not to understand whether your doctor that you want to go to is on the healthcare system or not is a point I brought up," he said.
"I happen to have a disabled son. I am worried about other families that have disabled children. The children's hospitals across the country evidently are not included in the government plan, which means that you cannot attend them without out-of-pocket costs," he said.
"I have a $2,000 deductible. It's outrageous."
Sessions said the "worst" aspect of the healthcare law is "that we're going to take the greatest healthcare system in the world and we're going to make it a two- and three-tier system."
"All of a sudden, we will find out that this was about manipulating the greatest healthcare system to harm patients and physicians."
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