Trade adviser to former President Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, told Newsmax on Monday that two types of candidates are running in the Republican presidential primary: those auditioning to be Trump's vice president and everyone else.
Appearing on "Eric Bolling The Balance," Navarro says, "there's two kinds of candidates running in the Republican primary: There's folks like Tim Scott, who Donald Trump genuinely likes, who's really running and auditioning for vice president ... and then the other group — which with [Ron] DeSantis now at the lead ... Nikki Haley is of that piece, Asa Hutchinson is of that piece — these are the people who are getting massive amounts from the globalist elites, [from] Silicon Valley and Wall Street and the multinational corporations who want to offshore our jobs to China, who want to bring across cheap labor. And who basically are the anti-MAGA forces who simply want Trump to be taken down."
"If DeSantis can bloody him up and the Democrats win, they'll be just as happy with that," Navarro goes on to add. "That's the dirty little secret."
Navarro says DeSantis also has the backing of Rupert Murdoch.
According to an article from CNN in November 2022, a person familiar with the media giant said, "it is not an accident" that publications owned by Murdoch were celebrating DeSantis as the future of the GOP after he came off a reelection win in the 2022 midterms.
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