Maison DesChamps, better known as the "Pro-life Spider-Man" who recently climbed the Sphere in Las Vegas, told Newsmax on Monday that he scales tall buildings because "if it will save a life, then, to me, it’s just worth it."
"I climb these skyscrapers to raise money for and help these women who are in a crisis pregnancy," Des Champs said during an appearance on "Wake Up America." "We pay their rent, their medical bills and whatever else they need to have their baby. That said, we're willing to go to such extreme lengths because what's happening right now is a holocaust.
"Over 70 million babies have been murdered since Roe v. Wade alone, so we want to do something about that."
DesChamps said that a woman named Isabel, who found herself newly pregnant and unhoused, was the inspiration behind his climb to the top of the Sphere last week. He was arrested after he descended the 366-foot structure.
"Isabel is 11 weeks pregnant and she was homeless," he said. "Thankfully, she chose life and when I got out of jail, the fundraiser was filled to the brim because of people who were watching and wanted to help out Isabel. And so now, all of the extra money that we have will go towards another mom to help her. So, not only are we able to help Isabel, but hopefully we'll be able to help a second or maybe even a third mom."
The 24-year-old anti-abortion protester said, the way he sees it, he has "nothing to fear" when he climbs a tall building untethered.
"I'm not attached to anything when I climb these buildings, it is free solo," he said. "If you fall, you die. People ask me why are you willing to do this? And it's because I believe that abortion is murder. And if that's the case, then we have to act like it. And then, not only that, if we're Christians, and we believe the words we say, then we know that Jesus Christ, he promised us eternal life, so there's nothing to fear at all, as far as I'm concerned."
Like Samuel Adams, DesChamps said he believes in the power of small organized groups to achieve cultural change.
"Samuel Adams, he once said that it doesn't take a majority to prevail — it takes a small, tireless, irate minority," he said, "and if we, the people who are pro-life, Christian conservatives, just stand up and do something about this evil that's happening, I'm fully convinced that we will be able to stop it."
Asked if he has any fears, DesChamps said that abortion, more than climbing any building, "terrifies" him.
"There's some buildings that simply aren't climbable, for sure, but, if I have to climb something that's a little bit harder, then that's what I have to do," he said. "If it will save a life, then, to me, it's just worth it."
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