Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told Newsmax Wednesday that the Democrat position is "abortion until the time of birth."
"So, this means that an eight-pound baby in the third trimester could be aborted all the way up until the time of birth, according to the Democrats," the Kentucky Republican said during an appearance on Newsmax's "The Chris Salcedo Show." "Their restrictions would be if the mother tells the doctor that they're stressed out by being pregnant, that would be enough to have an abortion of an eight-pound baby, so no, I don't think this is what the American people want."
The two-term senator and ophthalmologist said if the Supreme Court rules the way it has indicated it is likely to, with last week's leaked draft opinion, the question of abortion will be sent back to the states, with each state deciding restrictions for itself.
"There will be some more restrictive, and there still will be some states, unfortunately, like California and New York, where not only is abortion unregulated, but it'll still be subsidized," Paul said.
"So, I foresee a checkerboard pattern not too dissimilar than what we already have," he continued. "In many of the southern states, there aren't that many abortions happening, and then in many of the Big Government states, there are lots of abortions happening."
The Women's Health Protection Act of 2022 failed to advance in the Senate Wednesday, with 49 votes in favor and 51 against the proposed legislation.
All 50 Republicans voted to block the bill. They were joined by one Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin, of West Virginia.
"I just think that it's important that people know that life is worth defending," Paul said. "I believe that life is sacred and something we get from our creator and is worth defending."