The Republican Party wants "long-term solutions" to the problem of chronic unemployment as opposed to another round of insurance offerings for jobless Americans, Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."
"We're looking at long-term solutions instead of these short-term Band-Aids that sort of get folks into a cyclical aspect of government dependency," Spicer said. "What we're seeing on the Democratic side is more of a talking point. They want to box Republicans in and win they debate. They don't want to actually solve the problem."
He questioned why the Democrats are preventing the creation of jobs by holding up the Keystone pipeline project.
"Why are we blocking a bill like the Keystone pipeline that provides tens of thousands of jobs with benefits?" Spicer asked.
Regarding the bridge-closing debacle that has turned all eyes on New Jersey Gov. Christ Christie, Spicer defended his fellow GOPer.
"How he handled this really says a lot about the type of leaders that we need more of in this country," Spicer said of Christie's two-hour press conference on the matter.