No Hollywood "propaganda" film aimed at taking down the NRA will deprive Americans of their right to keep and bear arms, says Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
"The market will take care of this, because these left-wing propaganda films that people like [Harvey] Weinstein like to put out, they never sell any tickets," Cruz said Thursday on Fox News Channel's
"On the Record with Greta Van Susteren."
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Weinstein revealed on "The Howard Stern Show" Wednesday that he is
making an anti-gun movie with actress Meryl Streep that will make the National Rifle Association "wish they weren't alive."
Van Susteren played several clips from movies produced by Weinstein that portrayed graphic gun violence, including "Pulp Fiction," "Django Unchained," and "Kill Bill."
Cruz pointed out that one of the most violent scenes in "Kill Bill" is when Uma Thurman's character severs the limbs of members of the Crazy 88 Yakuza gang with a sword.
"But you don't see people wanting to ban knives," Cruz said.
Weinstein told Stern he wants to see all guns banned and has never owned one himself.
Cruz called Weinstein a rich hypocrite who has private security who likely do have guns, while he's telling a single mom who has to ride the subway late at night that she has no right to protect herself.
Gun ownership is a right granted in the Constitution, Cruz said, and "even if liberal Hollywood types want to take it away, it isn't going anywhere."
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