The White House
report on climate change is nothing more a political manifesto designed to promote President Barack Obama's skewered agenda, according to Marc Morano, founder of Climate Depot.
"They've now politicized and made global warming such a partisan issue there's no way they'll ever convince half the country that this is anything other than the lowest base-level politics," Morano told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
"This report is merely a political cover for what Obama is about to do. They failed at cap-and-trade, they failed at UN climate treaties, they failed with carbon taxes.
"Now they've decided that … they're going to start regulating what we exhale from our mouths, CO2, we inhale oxygen as humans. They declare CO2 a pollutant in essence and they're using this to forward the case: 'See we told you so. We've have to act.'"
The White House said the third U.S. National Climate Assessment proves that climate change has impacted every region of America and major sectors of the economy and underscores the need for "urgent action."
Morano, whose nonprofit group investigates and addresses climate issues, said surveys show 75 percent of American scientists are skeptical of man-made global warming.
"It's because they have to make their living on verifiable prediction," he said.
"Not wacko nonsense of the year 2100 and how we need to stop driving SUVs in order to lower the global temperature or prevent hurricanes."
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