The following article has been authored by a non-clinician.
The scientific method is essential to the development and validation of a real scientific hypothesis. A hypothesis must first be questioned and tested before one can even begin evaluating a theory.
All too often we hear shrill invectives against "science deniers" and denunciations of those who don't trust the "science." Such criticism has no place in the scientific community. "Science" that isn't supposed to be questioned is pseudo-science and should be more accurately characterized as dangerous dogma.
Bloodletting — the procedure by which blood is withdrawn by cutting a person's vein with a lancet — was a highly regarded therapeutic treatment to treat fevers, high blood pressure, and lung problems, among other illnesses.
The grotesque practice of bloodletting was a venerated medical technique until the 19th century. In 1835 French physician Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis published a groundbreaking study demonstrating that the practice was useless in treating ailments.
Dr. Louis is considered a pioneer of clinical epidemiology and the "numerical method" by using statistics to study and evaluate diseases. Dr. Louis did not initially receive much formal recognition and praise. He was actually subjected to withering criticism by many of his peers and accused of endangering the health of patients.
According to Lois N. Magner, author of "A History of Medicine," "critics of the numerical method charged Louis's followers with excessive zeal in the art of diagnosis and negligence in healing the sick ... many doctors believed that Louis's attempt to evaluate the efficacy of bloodletting was a rash, reckless rejection of the wisdom of the ages."
In 2022 we are experiencing a requiem of the era in which "bloodletting" is passionately defended at all costs. The modern-day version of arrogantly supporting bloodletting is the stubborn defense of vaccine mandates!
New York City has the most draconian vaccine mandates in the United States — no exception is made for natural immunity. There is currently an explosion of COVID transmissions and hospitalizations in New York City.
Stanford Medical School Dr. Jay Bhattacharya points out that the vaccine mandates in large cities such as New York have not stopped the transmission of the virus. He also points out the bizarre scenario faced by healthcare workers who risked their lives treating patients now forced to lose their livelihoods for not taking a vaccine that they don't want and may not need.
One study in Israel claims that those who were previously infected with COVID are far less likely to contract the virus than a vaccinated person. A study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that a COVID-recovered person would only receive a marginal benefit from being vaccinated.
During a recent interview with CNN, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky acknowledged that the vaccines do not prevent the transmission of COVID! What?
CDC Director Walensky estimates that 40% of hospitalizations are for those "with COVID" and "not because of COVID." The utilitarian argument for forced vaccinations is thoroughly gainsaid when you accept that the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission.
According to a recent study of over 17 million people from England, a young healthy person between the ages of 18-39 is extremely unlikely to die from COVID. Pursuant to this study, the risk of death is quite low for anyone under 70.
Hospitals in Rhode Island have resorted to allowing COVID-positive staff to continue working and treating patients rather than admit their mistake and rehire unvaccinated staff terminated because of inane vaccine mandates. We are seeing the emergence of a national platform for creepy, clueless troglodytes who want to commit serious harm to all unvaccinated people in our country.
Right now, a good friend of mine is preparing to leave New York City and the only home she, her wonderful husband. and amazing two young kids have ever known because both of them are former New York City employees who were advised by their physicians not to take a COVID vaccine. Another close friend of mine prepares to bury her vaccinated father after he died of cardiac arrest while in the hospital because of COVID.
Those who can get vaccinated should do it but no one should be forced to take the injection. We must focus on making life-saving medicine available to everyone. We are the most advanced nation on earth; developing and distributing therapeutics is not as complicated as some craven politicians suggest.
This is no longer about healthcare but a Robespierre-inspired reign of terror against those deemed non-compliant to a persuasive loyalty oath for the regime in power. Comply or your life as you know is over instantly. This type of violent coercion runs counter to the ideals upon which our nation was founded.
Forcing people into risking their health or forfeiting deeply held religious convictions is not just wrong and unethical but is IMMORAL. End the mandates now.
Nicholas Chamberas has advised good government advocacy groups, elected officials and political candidates on public policy matters as well as having served as a senior adviser on several prominent New York City campaigns. He holds a degree in Political Science and a Juris Doctor. Read Nicholas Chamberas' Reports — More Here.