Renowned legal mind Alan Dershowitz is emphatic that he has no interest in joining President Donald Trump's team of lawyers, The Boston Globe reports.
The question came amid the news that John Dowd, Trump's frontman for the Russia investigation, was the latest member of the president's legal team to resign.
"I'm not going to become the president's lawyer," Dershowitz told the Globe from his residence in Miami Beach. "I'm enjoying my retirement. I don't want to move to Washington. I don't want to be a lawyer."
Dershowitz wouldn't say if he had been approached by the White House about joining Trump's legal team.
"I can only say I have no interest," Dershowitz told the Globe. "I want to be an outside, independent commentator. I want to be my own person."
The impetus for the speculation could be that Dershowitz has supported Trump's legal positions as an analyst for myriad networks. But that's just Dershowitz calling them like he seems them.
"I have been utterly and completely consistent and nonpartisan," Dershowitz said earlier this week on CNN after being called out for "carrying water" for the president.
But the famed defense attorney and former Harvard professor joked that his positions have alienated some of his left-leaning friends.
"I'm on the Donald Trump diet," Dershowitz, 79, told the Globe. "My liberal friends don't invite me to dinner now."