After the Supreme Court failed to respect the vote of "law-abiding states," Lt. Col. Allen West, the Texas GOP chairman, has bandied about a call for a new "union" – noting he is not referring to "secession."
"We need to have states that honor our Constitution," West told Fox News' "Fox & Friends" on Sunday. "I know a lot of people have thrown out this 'secession' word. I never say anything about secession.
"I talk about law-abiding states. I talk about them forming a union. I talk about an alliance, because they are the ones that are abiding by our rule of law."
West noted those states that unlawfully enacted new election practices without properly legislating the changes are the ones "seceding."
"If anyone out there is seceding from the United States of American, it's the states that have violated our rule of law," he added.
West said "violating election law" and having "courts or judges making law" to favor one party's leadership in a state's election is unconstitutional under "equal protection under the law."
"I think that's a pretty common-sense analysis," West concluded.
"This is a huge fracture in the foundation of our constitutional republic."