Ann Coulter, the woman who wrote "In Trump We Trust" and "Resistance Is Futile!", has broken from President Donald Trump on the border wall and is now considered a "wacky nut job" by the president himself.
"Wacky Nut Job @AnnCoulter, who still hasn't figured out that, despite all odds and an entire Democrat Party of Far Left Radicals against me (not to mention certain Republicans who are sadly unwilling to fight), I am winning on the Border," President Trump tweeted Saturday. "Major sections of Wall are being built . . ."
". . . and renovated, with MUCH MORE to follow shortly," an ensuing President Trump tweet read. "Tens of thousands of illegals are being apprehended (captured) at the Border and NOT allowed into our Country. With another President, millions would be pouring in. I am stopping an invasion as the Wall gets built. #MAGA"
Ironically, Coulter's book "Resistance Is Futile!" protests Trump haters have lost their collective minds and argues "the American left has become irrational in its opposition to President Donald J. Trump."
Coulter has taken up the resistance, hate-Trump mantle of late, calling the president an "idiot" and the true national emergency last month: "The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot."
While President Trump has broken from a one-time backer in Coulter, a one-time never-Trump conservative Glenn Beck now claims to support the president he used to resist along with Democrats.