Attorney Alan Dershowitz admitted Tuesday there is no evidence Steve Bannon, President-elect Donald Trump's top advisor, holds anti-Semitic views despite public outcry.
Dershowitz, a civil liberties lawyer, made the remark during an interview with MSNBC.
"Look, I don't know whether he's an anti-Semite or not," Dershowitz said. "I just don't think you should toss that phrase around casually unless there's overwhelming evidence."
Mediaite posted a clip of the interview.
Dershowitz then went through the evidence and said he does not see anything clear-cut that would paint Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart News, as an anti-Semite.
"Is he supported by bigots? . . . Yes he is. But to show you an analogy, if [Rep.] Keith Ellison [of Minnesota], who's a decent, good person, were to be appointed the head of the Democratic National Committee, Hamas would support it, would cheer and yell because he's had some association with [Nation of Islam leader Louis] Farrakhan in the past.
"You can't always judge a person by the supporters."