Sen. Elizabeth Warren's call for an "ultra-millionaire" tax is a continuation of her presidential campaign and yet another "dangerous" progressive proposition that will harm Americans, Sen. John Barrasso insisted Tuesday.
"We're fighting every day to stop these ridiculous policies," the Wyoming Republican told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on "Mornings With Maria." "They're not just radical and extreme; they're dangerous and they are scary. What Elizabeth Warren is talking about is not just raising taxes, she's talking about actually going out there and confiscating wealth, money that people have already earned and paid taxes on. So it's tax raises on steroids. This is awful."
Warren, D-Mass., along with Reps. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and Brendan Boyle, D-Pa., on Monday proposed the wealth tax on households with a net worth of more than $50 million. The measure would include a 2% annual tax on households and trusts valued at between $50 million and $1 billion. All net worth over $1 billion would be taxed at 3%.
"You're talking about the road to socialism," said Barrasso. "That's where the Democrats want to take this country."
He added that the latest COVID-relief bill, which has passed the House, is "packed with pork" as it contains billions of dollars for agenda items that have nothing to do with the pandemic.
"Only $1 out of 11 goes actually for coronavirus, and you're still keeping the schools closed," said Barrasso. "There are terrible things in this piece of legislation. The more people find out about it, the worse it's going to be."
He also slammed President Joe Biden for taking an "ax to American energy" through his moves to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and to block new gas and oil drilling permits.
"He's chopping into paychecks all across the country," said Barrasso. "First the Democrats want to raise taxes, second they're paying at the pump, they're going to be paying to heat their homes. All of these things are having a terrible impact on mom and pop at home trying to get the kids back to school."