Former GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson believes Donald Trump should lay off labelling Hillary Clinton as a "bigot."
"That's what people do who don't have anything to talk about," Carson, a retired pediatric neurosurgeon, told The Daily Beast.
"I don't generally get into the name-calling thing. I kind of left that behind in the third grade. I certainly don't encourage it because the issues that we're facing are incredibly important—for us and for the future generations."
On Thursday, Trump repeated his assertion that Clinton is a "bigot" and accused her of selling African-Americans "down the tubes because she's not doing anything for those communities. She talks a good game. But she doesn't do anything."
Carson said Democrats have taken black votes for granted, which could be an opening for Trump.
"I think particularly in the African-American community, a large number of people recognize that the Democrats have not done diddly-squat for them. But they don't feel that they have any other place to go," he told The Daily Beast.