Sen. Bernie Sanders Thursday bashed the "disastrous so-called healthcare plan that the Republicans have brought forth" as nothing more than "Robin Hood proposal in reverse."
"Essentially it should be seen for what it is: a massive tax break — $275 billion — for the top 2 percent," the Vermont independent, who lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton, told Wolf Blitzer on CNN.
"We're throwing 5 to 10 million people out of insurance. Raising premiums for lower- and working-class people. Redefining Planned Parenthood. Denying women the ability to get healthcare where they want.
"But the good news: If you're in the top 2 percent, Republicans are for you, giving you a very significant tax break," he said.
Sanders reiterated his support for Obamacare, but acknowledged: "Is the Affordable Care Act perfect? Far from it."
He also noted that the United States has a "very dysfunctional" healthcare system.
"The Republicans want to make that worse. They want to throw people off of health insurance. What does that mean? It will raise premiums for older people in this country.
"What they're looking at is a disaster," he said.
Sanders said that Senate leaders have indicated that no hearings will be held on the GOP bill once it reaches the floor.
"Here is a monumental bill, billions of dollars impacting almost the whole country — and they want no public discussion.
"The American people understand that we have a Republican House, Republican Senate and a Republican president," Sanders added. "If they can't get their act together, they're going to be held accountable — not anybody else."
The senator also slammed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt for saying that he did not believe that carbon dioxide was a primary contributor to global warming.
Pruitt told CNBC that measuring the effect of human activity on the climate was "very challenging" and that "there's tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact" of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
"So, no, I would not agree that (carbon dioxide) is a primary contributor to the global warming that we see," he said.
In response, Sanders told Blitzer: "I wish I could come up with another word.
"It is pathetic, that that is the position of the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
"You have the head of the Environmental Protection Agency who denies ... reality in face of overwhelming scientific evidence — not only is it sad," he said. "It is a real threat to the well-being of this country and the world."