Vice President Joe Biden Thursday blamed conservative Republicans in the House for slowing down the reauthorization of the
Violence Against Women Act, calling them a "Neanderthal crowd" out of touch with the problems and realities that women have to confront in today's world.
"I'm going to say something outrageous," Biden said. "I think I understand the Senate better than any man or woman who's ever served in there, and I think I understand the House . . . I was surprised this last time . . . the idea we still had to fight? We had to fight to reauthorize?"
"Did you ever think we'd be fighting over, you know, 17, 18 years later to reauthorize this?" he asked an audience at an event celebrating the 19th anniversary of the original law passed in 1994. "Well, you know what? The thing they didn't like, they said we like it the way it is."
According to Politico, Biden applauded the new version of the bill passed in March, which added protections for Native American women, members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community, and immigrants.
The Huffington Post also reported that he told his audience he was "stunned" that House Republicans, whom he described as "this sort of Neanderthal crowd," had fought so hard against the reauthorization. He credited the work of women in the Senate for finally getting it through.
"It makes a difference with women in the Senate," he said to applause. "It does. It does, man . . . Because they go and look all the rest of those guys in the eye and say, 'Look. This is important to me.'"
"Nothing, nothing, nothing I've ever been engaged in matters to me more than what you've made real," he added.