Former President Bill Clinton said that the United States does not "have a president who's a change-maker" — though he gave current President Barack Obama a muted compliment on his efforts to improve the nation's economy.
Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is "the best change-maker I've ever known," the nation's 42nd president told voters Thursday at a rally in Memphis,
The Commercial Appeal reports. "She's always making something good happen.
"A lot of people say you don't understand that it's rigged now," he said of the nation's struggling economy. "Yeah, it's rigged now, because you don't have a president who's a change-maker, who, with a Congress who will work with him.
"But the president has done a better job than he has gotten credit for," Clinton added in a nod to Obama. "And don't you forget it."
Clinton's visit came just hours before Hillary Clinton and rival Bernie Sanders squared off for their debate in Milwaukee. Tennessee is one of a dozen states holding their primaries or caucuses on Super Tuesday, March 1.
"Without an economy that works for everybody, we can't be one America, and we can't go forward together," he said.