The Never Trump movement is alive and well despite Donald Trump's assertion otherwise in a campaign speech Wednesday night, said Weekly Standard editor and Trump foe Bill Kristol.
"Never Trump is disappearing rapidly," Trump told cheering supporters in Cincinnati.
But Kristol, appearing just afterward on CNN's
"OutFront with Erin Burnett," pointed to a
Wall Street Journal article in which Trump supporter Randy Evans, a RNC Rules Committee member, admits that 680 delegates don't back Trump, 890 do, and 900 are possibly available to be swayed.
"I think Trump could be denied the nomination if the delegates are free as they should be, and as they historically have been, to vote their will, to vote their conscience on the first ballot," Kristol said.
He suggested House Speaker Paul Ryan, who will chair the convention, allow a roll call vote so delegates can vote as individuals so that the nomination is not "some rubber-stamped results from months ago.