Bill O'Reilly suggested Donald Trump should pick New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez as his vice presidential running mate "if he wants to win."
"If Mr. Trump wants to be president," O'Reilly said, "that is the only choice."
Martinez was a district attorney in New Mexico before becoming governor. Growing up, she worked as a security guard in her family's business at night while attending college during the day,
according to her website.
O'Reilly, as reported by
Mediaite, noted that Martinez, the U.S.'s only Latina governor, "cuts across all the ethnic boundaries" and "she's very bright. She's a Republican conservative."
Martinez, however, might not be responsive to such an invitation from Trump.
The Washington Post reports that Martinez spoke at a Republican State Committee gala event and delivered criticisms of Trump.
At the event, Martinez said Trump's words about immigrants offended her, according to the Post. She called his plan to build a Mexico-U.S. border wall unrealistic and irresponsible, according to people who attended the Republican State Committee annual gala. Last summer, she said Trump was "completely and unequivocally wrong" for calling Mexicans criminals, the Post reported.
The governor is working to grow her sphere of influence as chairwoman of the Republican Governors Association,
according to the Daily Journal.
Martinez was a Marco Rubio supporter when he was in the race, and she has not answered the question of whether she would vote for Trump if he gets the Republican nomination, according to the Post report.
At the Republican State Committee event, the Daily Journal reports that she jokingly said, "Why don't we do rock, paper, scissors and get this over with?"