The coronavirus pandemic is supposed to bring the country together, but not if the media covering the White House has its way, the N.Y. Post's Michael Goodwin wrote in an op-ed.
"The Washington press corps is covering one of the largest, continuing stories in recent history the same way it has covered the Trump administration since Day One," he wrote.
"The formula is simple: Whatever the president does is not just wrong, it's borderline evil. Details at 11."
The hate-Trump media has shown little interest in covering what President Donald Trump, his task force, and whole administration has to say or do with the U.S. response, according to Goodwin.
"At too many news outlets, the aim is not to inform: It's to render the harshest possible judgment on the man journalists love to hate," he continued.
"This is beyond shameful," he added. "When antagonists like Sen. Chuck Schumer finally are working with Trump and when the Democratic governors of New York and California swap praise with the president over their partnerships, the media ought to take a hint that this time is different and there is no place for biased journalism-as-usual.
"Instead, after failing to bring down Trump with Russia, Russia, Russia and impeachment, they're now putting their chips on the narrative that he’s bungling the public health crisis."
Whether it was travel bans, bar and restaurant guidelines, or invoking the Defense Protection Act, "behind every complaint is a roster of anonymous sources and Obama administration grousers," Goodwin lamented.
"Of course, to recognize this shift in the national mood would mean the media would have to give Trump credit, and that is forbidden," he wrote. "Stark polarization is what the media like and want — and refuse to see anything else.
"Tellingly, the more information and access Trump gives the White House press corps, the angrier the members get. The president and his team provide daily updates, announce new efforts and take numerous questions."
The "Chinese virus" criticism and attempts to drive a wedge between Trump and infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci is more activism than actual assistance for Americans seeking coverage of the U.S. response to the pandemic, according to Goodwin
"Naturally, that became a big story for CNN and the other usual suspects," he concluded. "Mission accomplished.
"There is much talk that the coronavirus epidemic will permanently alter aspects of American life. Let us hope that a new and improved journalism is among the changes."