Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., declared Sunday there’s “no way” a Democratic push to ensure Medicare-for- all will make it through Congress.
In remarks on NBC News’ “Meet The Press,” Blunt asserted even a divided Congress agrees the ramifications would be a disaster.
“The one thing I think we would be able to unite on is Medicare for all would wind up meaning Medicare for none,” he said. “If Democrats want to take that view to the American people — and seniors, particularly — people covered by Medicare understand the ramifications of that. There is no way that will happen.”
Blunt praised the health care policies being supported by the White House, saying they’re “beginning to work.”
“We continue to look for more options, more choices, more access to insurance that really meets people's needs,” he said, citing “things like the associated health plans that allow people in small businesses to band together. “
“That will have a real impact on people to get out of the individual market,” he said. “A lot more people will have insurance at work because of the associated health plans that the administration has put out there. And they are beginning to work.”
The senator also had some uncompromising advice for the incoming Democratic-majority House.
“If I was giving advice to my friends in the House… my advice would be, ‘legislate and don't investigate if you want to be rewarded with the continued opportunity to be in control of the House of Representatives..’”
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