Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Tuesday unloaded on Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake, mocking him in a Twitter post as an "imposter" posing as a conservative.
"Jeff Flake is not a conservative, nor does he have a conscience," Bozell said, slamming Flake by using the title of his new book "Conscience of a Conservative" — a nod to Barry Goldwater's 1960 work that was ghost-written by Bozell's late father.
"On behalf of my late father and my family, I am denouncing Senator Jeff Flake and his new book, dishonestly titled, ‘Conscience of a Conservative,'" Bozell wrote in a posted statement.
"As every conservative leader knows, my father, L. Brent Bozell, Jr., ghost-wrote 'Conscience of a Conservative' for Barry Goldwater," he stated. "While the Goldwater Institute may own the rights to the book’s title, neither the organization nor Senator Flake have the right to unjustifiably trade on my father's work."
"The media need to know, when reporting on Senator Flake and his 'book,' that the author is a deceiver out for personal and financial gain. I also call on my conservative brethren to denounce this imposter, who dishonorably claims to speak for conservatism, in the strongest possible terms," the Twitter post maintained.
While promoting his news book, Flake told CBS News' "Face The Nation" the GOP had "lost its way" and given in to "nativism and protectionism."
He also slammed the party in a commentary for Politico Magazine last month, criticizing the GOP for "creating" and "rationalizing" President Donald Trump.