Just days before voters go to the polls in New Hampshire, Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown leads Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen by 4 percentage points in their tight race, a
new survey shows.
The poll of 638 Granite State voters by the Republican firm Vox Populi Polling has Brown at 49 percent to Shaheen's 45 percent. Six percent of those surveyed remain undecided.
The gap is just slightly larger than the poll's margin of error of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points. It was conducted on Monday and Tuesday for
New Hampshire Journal, which published the results on Thursday.
According to the survey, 34 percent responded that they were Republicans, while 27 percent identified themselves as Democrats and 38 percent said they were independents.
Vox Populi Polling was begun this past spring, the Journal reports. It is based in Alexandria, Virginia,, and is owned by six Republicans that include Mary Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, and Steve DeMaura, a former executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party and president of Americans for Job Security.
Fifty-two percent of those surveyed were women and 48 percent were men. Shaheen was the favorite among women voters, 49 percent to 45 percent, while Brown led among men, 54 to 41 percent.
Last month, a Vox Populi poll showed Brown leading Shaheen, 47 to 43 percent, while a May survey had the incumbent ahead, 47 to 35 percent, according to the Journal.