Is retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson running for president?
The soft-spoken critic of Obamacare wasn't saying Thursday night on Fox News Channel's "
On the Record with Greta Van Susteren," but a super PAC has formed hoping to draft him.
Carson said he has been speaking to large crowds across the country since he criticized President Barack Obama's healthcare law at the National Prayer Breakfast and spoke to the annual CPAC Convention earlier this year. He retired as chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the spring.
Carson told Van Susteren that the crowds he speaks to resonate with "the possibility of some common sense and some logic rather than the foolishness that has been going on for decades in Washington, D.C."
Carson, a Seventh-day Adventist said he won't "interfere one way or another" with the petition to draft him. "I believe God will make it clear to me if that's something I'm supposed to do. It's not something I particularly want to do."
The great-grandson of composer John Phillip Sousa founded the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee
super PAC, which is urging Carson to run.
When asked his party affiliation, Carson has always said he is an independent.
"What America needs may not be me," he told Van Susteren, "but it does need logic, it needs common sense, it needs somebody who can create a vision where we can work together."