Four million people will lose their employer-provided healthcare coverage next year under the Senate's repeal-and-replace Obamacare proposal – twice as many predicted to lose their work coverage under a House plan, The Hill reported.
The Congressional Budget Office's scoring of the Senate bill projects that the absence of the individual mandate and the employer mandate, requirements in Obamacare that have driven up insurance coverage, would likely mean 4 million people would lose or drop coverage.
According to the report released Monday, 15 million more people would become uninsured next year. The CBO projected 22 million people will lose coverage over the course of 10 years.
The grim numbers come as Senate Republicans negotiate a difficult path to pass legislation that would repeal and replace Obamacare – a key goal of the Trump administration.
According to The Hill, five senators have said they will vote "no" on the bill. Republicans, with a 52-seat majority, can only afford to lose two senators and have a tiebreaker by Vice President Mike Pence. There are no Democrats on board for the plan.