New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's favorability has plummeted to a new low in his six-year tenure, a new poll shows.
The latest Rutgers-Eagleton survey released Monday finds 19 percent of New Jersey registered voters have a favorable opinion of the GOP governor, and 73 percent view him unfavorably.
Six weeks ago, when the Bridge-gate trial of two former Christie aides began, 23 percent saw him favorably and 67 percent did not, the poll noted.
Christie's public opinion ratings have continually slipped since November 2013, two months after the controversial closure of traffic lanes on the George Washington Bridge that were intentionally closed to delay commuters as political payback against a Democratic mayor who didn't support Christie's re-election.
Christie's favorability hit 65 percent in the same poll shortly after the incident.
Christie had planned four appearances with Trump in New Hampshire over the weekend, but canceled after a federal jury found his former allies guilty.
The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.7 percentage points.