New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's past shows he is weak taking on Islam, writes conservative activist
Paul Nagy in the Concord Monitor.
Nagy points to
Christie's defense of his nomination of Sohail Mohammed to a state judgeship after he battled him in court as a federal prosecutor.
"A few inconvenient truths about Mohammed that Christie ignored were that Mohammed represented a radical cleric linked to Hamas that the Department of Homeland Security wanted to deport," Nagy notes. "Additionally, while defending Muslims accused of plotting a terrorist attack against Fort Dix, Mohammed objected to the use of the term 'militant Islam' in the government’s case and equating actions to religion. Christie was the U.S. attorney at that time leading the government’s prosecution."
Critics fear Mohammed will try to impose Islamic Sharia law once on the bench. Christie has called such criticism "just crap."
"It's just crazy, and I'm tired of dealing with the crazies," Christie said.
"Surely Christie is aware that Muslims do not assimilate into their communities as other immigrants have done throughout the history of the United States," Nagy counters in his column. "They do not do it here and they have not done it in Europe, either. Ask the French about their Muslim problem."