President Donald Trump called out CNN on the night of its climate change town hall marathon with Democratic presidential primary candidates, saying it will ignore these 8 facts:
According to President Trump in a series of tweets Wednesday night:
- America has the "largest carbon emission reduction" in the world.
- China has "dumped the most carbon into the air."
- 91% of the world is exposed to air pollution above the World Health Organization's suggested level, but "none are in the USA," he tweeted.
- U.S. "now leads the world in energy production."
- And the U.S. still has "the world's cleanest and safest air and water."
- Democrats do not care about poverty if "they raise your energy bill and prices at the pump" with their "destructive 'environmental' proposals."
- The Paris Agreement was "badly flawed," protecting polluters, hurting Americans, and costing a fortune. "Not on my watch!" he tweeted.
- "I want crystal clean water and the cleanest and the purest air on the planet – we've now got that!" he concluded.
President Trump's tweets came as a juxtaposition to CNN's seven-hour climate forum, featuring the top 10 Democratic presidential primary candidates speaking in 40-minute blocks on their climate-change policies – which are estimated to cost trillions and cripple the economy, The Wall Street Journal reported.