Just 32 percent of likely voters want to see their own congressmen re-elected, according to a poll from
Rasmussen Reports.
Polls usually indicate that voters are upset with Congress in general, but not with their own representatives. That has apparently changed.
The survey of 1,000 likely voters shows that 39 percent of voters think their own congressmen deserve the boot, and 29 percent are undecided.
As for Congress in general, the numbers are quite dismal as well. Only 9 percent of voters believe Congress is doing a good or excellent job, compared to 64 percent who think it’s doing a poor job, and 25 percent who think it’s doing a fair job.
A total of 60 percent of voters believe most members of Congress are willing to exchange their vote on a bill for either cash or a campaign contribution, and 57 percent think it’s likely that their representatives in Congress have traded votes for cash.
Meanwhile, 47 percent of respondents believe their congressmen don’t care what they think, 30 percent believe they do care, and 23 percent are unsure.
The poll was conducted on Sunday and Monday.