Social media is the "new battleground of media bias" — and conservatives are losing, a report by media watchdog Media Research Center found.
In the MRC study, "Censored! How Online Media Companies Are Suppressing Conservative Speech," the report charged Twitter leads in censorship, using a technique known as "shadow banning, where users think their content is getting seen widely, but it's not."
"It's the new battleground of media bias," MRC's Newsbusters wrote of digital suppression.
"But it's worse," it wrote. "That bias is not a war of ideas. It's a war against ideas. It's a clear effort to censor the conservative worldview from the public conversation."
The MRC report charges tech firms like Google, YouTube, and Twitter partner with leftist groups attempting to censor conservatives, and liberal members of Twitter's "trust ad safety council," outnumber conservatives 12-1, and tech companies rely on anti-conservative fact-checkers.
MRC founder and president Brent Bozell told Laura Ingraham on her Fox News show Monday night the study results astounded him.
"This is emerging, the greatest censorship of free speech worldwide in the history of man," he told Ingraham. "Now let me explain this. The left is on a jihad against conservative thought."
"And what we've shown in this massive report is whether it is Facebook, or Twitter, or Google, or YouTube, they are all employing different tactics to go against conservatives," he added.
Bozell told Ingraham the problem is worldwide.
"It’s not just happening in the United States, it's all over the world that the left is militant," he said. "Conservatives have to recognize this and conservatives have to start looking for new homes," adding if conservatives leave those social media outlets, the business model will fall apart.