President Donald Trump wants an investigation into allegations that former President Barack Obama ordered his offices at Trump Tower to be wiretapped during the 2016 presidential election as the American people "should know what the truth is."
Further, during a Fox News "Fox & Friends" interview, Conway was asked if she agreed with Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy's assessment that Trump was "pissed off" by the reports.
"'[He] tweets very clearly, he wants an investigation," Conway said, insisting that Trump is "very determined to discover once and for all what happened during the campaign."
Early Saturday, Trump unleashed a series of tweets accusing the former president of ordering wiretaps in his offices to gather information about links between the campaign and Russian sources.
Obama, along with FBI Director James Comey and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have all denied the accusations, which sources have said were triggered by an article on
"You have various and credible news sources telling that there was politically motivated activity all during the campaign, and suggesting that there may be more there," said Conway.
"I saw the different interviews over the weekend, and some people left open the possibility that maybe there were departments or agencies or individuals not under their direct purview where this could have taken place."
Conway said the investigation could be wrapped into the existing probe into Russian involvement in the election.
She also echoed Trump's call to stop the use of anonymous sources, claiming that the media "loves to use anonymous sources for everything and anything that could possibly be derogatory or negative for this president or this administration."
"They refuse to give any credibility to such sources when it may be something positive or exculpatory," said Conway. "The other double standard is the investigation. Democrats are every single day saying investigate, investigate. Special prosecutors, investigate. Well what are they afraid of here? Let's investigate this and see where it leads."
Conway also said that the controversy concerning links between the Trump campaign and Russia have consumed the media, but they don't want to discuss the president's "amazing joint session speech, where the president laid out his vision."
Further, there will be a new executive order on travel released on Monday, said Conway, work is progressing on repealing and replacing Obamacare, and also on tax reform, but that action is not being discussed.
Meanwhile, Conway said while investigation is needed, Trump, who said in his tweets that his phones were bugged, "has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not. That's the way it should be for presidents."
"This is about bureaucratic leaks," she said. "the concern for the president is that we have leaks in the intelligence and security community that imperils all of us. This is serious stuff."
Aside from the wiretapping controversy, Conway said this week will be a very important one in the White House, as Trump will act on many major pieces of his legislative and executive agenda, and as the president will unveil his revised executive order on travel on Monday.
"What's different is it has an effective date of March 16," Conway said of the new order. "There are the legal permanent residents who are always excluded from it. That's made much clearer now. If you have travel docs, if you actually have a VISA, if you are a legal permanent resident, you are not covered under this particular executive action.
"Also, Iraq is no longer on the list based on their enhanced screening and reporting measures. I think people will see six or seven major points about this executive order that do clarify who is covered. Also, Syrian refugees are treated the way all refugees are."