Sen. Ted Cruz won't say if he'll support GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump if he wins the party's nomination, promising instead he'll beat his rival at a contested convention because "I'm not willing to concede this country."
In an interview with NBC's
"Meet the Press," the Texas lawmaker insists that if Trump's the party's standard-bearer, "we will lose to Hillary" Clinton.
"They support the same social policy, they support the same economic policy," Cruz said,
The Hill reports from excerpts released ahead of the show.
"In fact, both Donald and Hillary support allowing illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens."
But when pressed on whether he'd get behind Trump should he clinch the nomination, Cruz demurred.
"I am going to beat Donald Trump," he repeated. "We are headed to a contested convention, and we're gonna win, and I'm not willing to concede this country."
"And let the record show you tried very, very hard to get me to commit to supporting Trump," he added. "The record will show that.”