Donald Trump is offering the country a direction that is in "every sense of the word" Republican, but Hillary Clinton's direction is at least as extreme as President Barack Obama's, Rep. Darrell Issa said Wednesday.
"People can argue nuances within the Republican Party," the California Republican told Fox News' Bill Hemmer on the
"America's Newsroom" program. "There will be plenty of things that President Trump will be faced with [that] is not altogether prepared for.
He will need a team of about 24 cabinet officers that will in fact serve him in these various years."
But there are no "perfect" presidents, Issa said.
"We had to hold our nose and vote for George Herbert Walker Bush after the largest tax increase in American history, after a deal where he broke his promise not to raise our taxes, after he destroyed what was in fact the Reagan revolution in flatter, fairer taxes," said Issa. "For that wing of the party, if you will, part of the establishment, to sit on the sidelines, is saying that they need the perfect. How do they define the perfect? Because George Herbert Walker Bush, good man, but he wasn't perfect in Republican politics. And nor was any president. It is time to unify."
Issa supported Marco Rubio, and said that when he was at the last party debate in Miami and heard various levels of responses while the candidates spoke, "we heard overwhelming applause when [Republican National Committee Chairman] Reince Priebus talked about defeating Hillary Clinton. We are Republicans. That is the direction we want to go."