The House budget proposal introduced Tuesday shows Republicans are the party that governs, Rep. Dave Brat told Fox News on Tuesday.
"I don't think the Senate under [Harry] Reid passed a budget for four of the past five years, so we'll show that we're different," the freshman Republican from Virginia said on Fox News Channel's
"Your World with Neil Cavuto."
The GOP will cut spending more than has been done in history, Brat said.
"We're going to take on entitlements a little bit. We're going to balance within 10 years. The Democrat budget never balances," he said. "So our thesis is we're different. We're the party that does govern."
Brat admitted that the budget is not perfect, but said that "overall as a visionary document it does the right thing. … The key issue is will we fight and hopefully we don't fight against our own Senate brethren like we did last week on the constitutional issue and we got rolled."