Most evangelicals will cast their ballots for GOP nominee Donald Trump, "even if they have to hold their noses a little tighter" following the leak of an "Access Hollywood" video tape and allegations from several women about Donald Trump's conduct, Christian Broadcast Network chief political correspondent David Brody said Thursday.
"Clearly, there is some work to do within the evangelical community and Donald Trump would be wise to engage even more with the evangelical community because of that," Brody told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program.
But at the same time, evangelicals widely consider both Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, as "immoral candidates," said Brody.
"Now you're faced with this choice of immoral versus immoral, the tie breaker is the next 50 years of 5-4 Supreme Court decisions, and it's beyond that," said Brody. "They believe . . . Grace is sufficient. There's quite a bit of grace in the evangelical world.
"So, Donald Trump should be thanking his lucky stars if any block of voters is going to give him grace, it will be evangelicals, because they know all about that. The last time I checked, Jesus came down to this world and gave grace to all of us if we accept it."
On Wednesday, Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. told CNN that he'll still vote for Trump, as he believes he is the best qualified candidate for president, even if the women's allegations prove to be true, and that one doesn't need to share all a person's values to cast a vote for that person, and Brody said that argument will hold water with other evangelical voters.
"Donald Trump talks about repealing the Johnson Amendment," said Brody. "Donald Trump talks about this idea of fighting how Christians are under attack in the public square. You're not hearing any of that from Hillary Clinton."
"In evangelical world, and I keep saying evangelical world because this is kind of like the worldview, the scuttlebutt, if you will — zero percent, they believe you're going to get from Hillary Clinton in the next four years," said Brody.
"You're probably going to get 60 percent to 70 percent, 75 percent from Donald Trump. You do the math. The last time I checked, when you see 60 percent is greater than 0 percent. You go with that as the right answer."
At some point, though, there ends up being "enough water in the boat, where it will sink," Brody continued. "That's with any politician,though Donald Trump has put a lot of water in the boat and it's not sinking. There's a reason for that.
"Look, I think one of the things in Donald Trump's favor is he can play the mainstream media card because these revelations are not coming out in August or four months ago or five months ago.
"They're coming out three, four weeks before a general Election Day, and I think that pays well in his narrative of, 'Hey, look, it's all against me. Everybody is against me.' I think that plays well with evangelicals," he added.