A dozen House Republicans released an open letter of support Wednesday for Donald Trump's defense plans – slamming the Obama administration's budget cuts on the military, Stars and Stripes reported.
The lawmakers praised the GOP nominee's plan to dramatically increase the number of troops and ships as "serious and sober strategic thinking."
The GOP nominee's plan calls for 74 more Navy ships and 50,000 more soldiers, as well as other major increases. The lawmakers praised the proposals as evidence of "serious and sober" thinking, the outlet reported.
The plan could require at least $650 billion and is based on Congress repealing five more years of spending cuts called sequestration, Stars and Stripes noted.
"Such growth phased within budget reality represents the kind of targeted investment our services need today and is grounded in the kind of serious and sober strategic thinking our country needs in these perilous times by a peace through strength policy," the letter stated, Stars and Stripes reported.
The open letter was signed by Arizona Rep. Jeff Miller, chairman of the Veterans' Affairs Committee; Texas Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee; and members of the Armed Services Committee including California Rep. Duncan Hunter of California and Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke, a former SEAL Team Six commander.
Missing were the names of the two Republicans who chair the House and Senate armed services committees and are most responsible for crafting defense policy: Texas Rep. Mac Thornberry and Arizona Sen. John McCain.
The letter was also supported by 23 retired lawmakers and military leaders, the outlet reported.