While President Donald Trump's approval rating is on an upswing, so too is the favor for Democrats before the 2018 midterms, according to the latest NBC News/The Wall Street Journal poll.
The poll has Trump's approval rating at 43 percent among all Americans, a rise of four poins since January.
But Democrats now hold a 10-point advantage in those who would prefer a Democratic-led Congress vs. the current Republican-controlled one, the poll revealed, and those numbers are despite President Trump's approval rating (43 percent) rising four points from January's poll results.
"Survey to survey, numbers bounce around, but today's state of play continues to tell the same story — a president with lower than average job approval starting his second year with a Democratic edge in the midterms," GOP pollster Bill McInturff said, per NBC News.
Poll respondents favor a Democrat-held Congress vs. a Republican one by a 50- to 40-percent margin, which is up from a 6-percent Democrat lead in January 49-43 percent.
The Trump temporal approval rise has not been enough to slow the tide turning toward Democrats in the 2018 midterms, or keep Trump's presidential approval from still being "the lowest for any modern president at about 14 months into his job," according to NBC News.
Trump's rising in approval comes from (per the poll):
- Republican respondents (up 6 percent): 78 percent approve in January to 84 percent this month in March
- White men (up 7 percent): 52 to 59 percent
- Independents (up 12 percent): 33 to 45 percent.
The poll was conducted March 10-14 among 1,100 adults with an overall margin of error of plus or minus 3.0 percentage points.